the war between sleep trainers and attachment parents that rages just a few Facebook “support” groups and FAQ pages away from the feeding controversy.
I Just Found Out PTO Doesn’t Stand for Pretentious Tw*t Offensive, and I Am Shook
If you want to be more involved in your kids’ education, you might want to start reading those emails instead of immediately deleting them.
The Day I Sh*t Myself Thin
I secretly took 2 chocolate EX-LAX squares at bedtime. As I chewed them thoroughly, I felt some satisfaction, knowing that tomorrow would kickstart my weight loss.
Minnesotans Soon to Have Hybrid Parenting Options
All Minnesota parents will be able to opt-in to virtual parenting options starting this month under emergency order.
Curious George Henceforth Known as “George” to Discourage Kids from Labeling
“George doesn’t have to be curious all the time. Maybe sometimes he’s Angry George, or Ambitious George, or Sad, Confused, and Tired George.
Girl Scout Cookies Ranked Best to Worst and OMG, It’s Spot On
If you’ve supported a Girl Scout near you recently, chances are you’ve got big feelings about which cookies are the best.
The FUNNIEST ‘Don’t Worry About What’s in the Vaccine’ Tweets
After the craziest year of most of our lifetimes, COVID-19 vaccines are finally here. (Even though rollout is slower than originally anticipated). But as with most good things, people are ruining it. Conspiracy theorists claimed that COVID vaccines have everything from microchips in them (like Bill Gates really wants to […]
2020 – A Year in Tweets
As we move into 2021 with low expectations, let’s take a moment to recall some of the more WTF moments of 2020.