7.1 million students, ages 3-21, receive special education services in the United States.
Special Needs
Sick of Shia? Let’s Celebrate Zack. He Deserves It.
Let’s shift the narrative and shine some well-deserved light on Zack, who has won his own slew of awards
Autism’s Lost Text Message
By Jaycee Kemp of Running Through Water One night as I was plugging in my son’s iPad, I noticed he got a text. Many parents lose sleep over whether or not to invade their preadolescent’s privacy by looking at personal messages, but not me. My child at 11 years old […]
Middle School Is Breaking My Heart
My son has never had a lot of friends, but at his old school, he at least had a few. Now he sits alone, eats alone, and plays alone. And it’s breaking my heart.
Chill Out, It’s Just a Parking Spot
Nasty notes and snide comments can ruin a person. Dramatic? No. You never know what someone is dealing with at any given moment.
Powering Up: A Working Mom’s Morning with 3 Kids with Special Needs
Between 5:17 and 7:40, I’ve already lived an entire day’s worth of mothering, negotiating, and bargaining. And then I go to work.
I Can’t Wait to Give My Child a Label
Labels in themselves aren’t bad. In fact, putting a label on a child could get them the resources and help they need to succeed.
“The Man in 2D” Gives Up First-Class Seat For Mother And Baby With Chronic Disease
Any parent knows that flying with children is right up there on the top 10 list of things we’d rather not do. There’s usually crying, possibly screaming, and stress. So much stress. Stress that’s increased a thousand-fold by your fellow cranky passengers who apparently have never had children or have […]