Ewing is currently doing serial casting in an attempt to help lengthen his calf muscle so he can flatten his foot and wear his AFO (Ankle Foot Orthotic) without getting crazy blisters and sores. An added bonus of having a child who’s being serial casted (aside from the awesome smell […]
Special Needs
Confession: I Can’t Help But Compare My Son to Other Kids With His Disability
This is a weird post to write. I know some who read this will think I’m crazy or unstable or selfish or insensitive (all accusations I’ve received in comments on posts about motherhood or special needs parenting before, believe it or not). Despite this, I know there are others who […]
Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Mom
I see you. And I don’t mean I see you see you (though I do physically see you). I mean I see inside you — I see the storm that’s tearing your soul apart, bit by unimaginable bit. I can see you because I am you. Not now you, of […]