The one about why fourth grade homework needs to be so complicated, and what result did everyone get for that one Common Core math problem?

Every Lengthy Group Text Momversation You Will Ever Have

By Sulla Rose

1. The one about figuring out detailed logistics for carpooling to and from practice.

2. The one about figuring out detailed logistics for the next half-day: are we meeting up at the trampoline place, the laser tag place, or the playground?

3. The one about trying to predict whether school will be closed tomorrow due to the snow storm/ice storm/hurricane/tornado.

4. The one discussing how much screen time everyone’s kids are allowed to have.

5. The one discussing whose kids are allowed to have the new video game that just came out, which has so much violence in it.

6. The one about what time everyone’s kids go to bed.

7. The one about why fourth grade homework needs to be so complicated, and what result did everyone get for that one Common Core math problem?

8. The one about that one kid who came to school with a fever. Do we know who it was? Does anyone have contact information for the parents? Should the school be called? The town?

9. The one discussing at length the pros and cons of every type of material one might use for the upcoming school project.

10. The one where several people share the same registration link for sports/camp/ski team/after-school programs within the span of ten minutes.

11. The one about the inappropriate message that one kid sent to everyone on the sixth grade group text. Do we know who it was? Does anyone have contact information for the parents? Should the school be called? The town?

12. The one discussing detailed plans of what everyone is doing over school vacation, along with detailed logistics for play date plans.

13. The one from the PTA person organizing chaperones/volunteers/donations for the next event.

14. The one about the best back-to-school shopping deals in town.



About the Author

Sulla Rose (pseudonym of an author of fourteen non-fiction books) recently finished her first novel about New England suburban shenanigans. Follow her @SullaRose on Twitter.