If you're not from The Great Lakes state or dabble in gubernatorial trivia, you probably not familiar with Gretchen Whitmer AKA Big Gretch AKA That Woman From Michigan.
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That Woman From Michigan Is Blowing Up

Credit @GovWhitmer on Twitter

I know everybody is feeling like all this attention on Murder Hornets and Covid-19 has taken the much needed attention away from politics. Wait, what?! You’ve blocked your entire family and 40% of your friends on FB because of politics?! Wow. Ok, I guess I’ll keep this light.

If you’re not from The Great Lakes state or dabble in gubernatorial trivia, you’re probably not familiar with Gretchen Whitmer AKA Big Gretch AKA That Woman From Michigan.

Since I promised to keep the politics light, let me get the big one out of the way first.

She made national headlines a couple of months ago when she was referred to as “that woman from Michigan” by that “that dick biscuit from New York.” Soon after, she appeared on The Daily Show with a handcrafted message to the country that difficult decisions had to be made to keep people safe in this uncertain time. Oh yeah, and she wore a shirt with her newly appointed nickname.

Shortly after, she was lampooned by Cecily Strong of SNL. It was more of an homage than anything else, and in the end showed respect to a first time governor who has managed this crisis better than most would be able to.

Whitmer did take umbrage with Strong’s choice of beer for the skit. While it’s true, Michiganders enjoy themselves a Blue, Molson, or Moosehead (or whatever watered-down lager makes its way across the border) from time-to-time, there is a wealth of craft breweries in the state, and Whitmer made sure to highlight those companies who may very well be struggling with the work restrictions put in place. She did so by sending a care package and a personal note of gratitude to Strong rather than subtweeting her like some infantile butthole (ok, sorry, that’s the last time).

Most recently, Whitmer got a shout-out from the Detroit rap community when she was anointed “Big Gretch” by Gmac Cash. Now, Cash may not have the national recognition of a Slim Shady, but Whitmer graciously accepted his invitation to “the cookout” and showed appreciation for the nickname.


There is a faction of people who are not happy with how Whitmer is dealing with the crisis. While I don’t want to generalize, I suspect the group is composed less of doctors and lawyers and more of the Ted Nugent cosplayers mentioned in Strong’s SNL skit.  I dunno, what do you think?

At least they’re wearing masks…

If you didn’t know Gretchen Whitmer before reading this, hopefully it gives you some insight into her personality and impact on a state in crisis. I anticipate she will gain more recognition on a national level, and I personally feel better knowing Big Gretch is working overtime.