Breaking news – Just this week, mother Amanda Graham grocery shopped without her usual entourage of three school-aged children. Graham was astonished at the freedom of going it alone.
“It was amazing!” she crooned. “I was able to make it in and out of Kroger in less than an hour. Not only that, but I breezed through the cereal aisle. Normally I have to field multiple requests for Sugar Smack Bomb cereal. Not this time!”
Shocked and confounded mothers from all over the country have been contacting Graham to find out her secret. It turns out that her work observes the obscure National Corn Chip day, a day off for her, yet one her children spent in school.
“It’s an amazing feeling going solo to the grocery store. I actually perused the wine section and was able to make an informed choice about my purchase rather than just grabbing the closest bottle that met my price range.”
Graham recommends comparing your work schedule to your child’s school calendar.
“Of course, many parents already do this in order to make sure they have babysitting lined up on school days off. I recommend taking that extra step and working in reverse. If work allows a day off when kids are in school, you too could have your own leisurely day at the grocery store. It’s well worth this additional effort as I found out this week.”
About the Author
Jill Morgenstern has a Master’s Degree in teaching reading and 13 years teaching experience but reserves the right to be wrong about everything. You can find her totally unrelated radio show here: