Before too long, there was a stark divide in this country, and you were either MAGA, with everything it encapsulated, or you were Anyone But Trump.
Teachers Accused of ‘Indoctrinating’ Students Removed from Classroom for Safety
It’s not a secret that teaching today is much harder than it was 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Not only have the students and what it takes to spark and maintain interest and attention completely changed, but so has the political climate. And that means what was once a […]
It’s Not the Virus That Will Destroy Us. It’s Our Sheer Stupidity.
We’re in season 4 of this pandemic, and the writers are getting desperate. First, it was complete and total lockdown. Our schools ceased to operate, we almost had to resort to using our favorite old t-shirts to wipe our own asses, and we were washing our groceries, of all things. […]
20 Tweets About How We’re Coping With Election Anxiety
If you’re wondering how folks are coping with this election anxiety the answer is simple- no so good, bitch!
Madame Tussauds Trashes Trump… Literally
One can only hope that the museum is run by powerful sorcerers and psychics, and that this very fitting trash effigy is a sign of things yet to come.
FBI Prevents MI Militia from Kidnapping Gov. Whitmer in My HOMETOWN
Tonight, I’m thankful that Big Gretch is safe, but tomorrow, some shit has got to change.
Mother-Judgers vs. BLM-Pod-Mom
Yes, my children are in a pod. A pod not every parent can afford, but a pod that is best for my children, who are Black. So take your judgment elsewhere.
Why Athletes Shouldn’t Just “Shut Up and Dribble”
I miss them when they’re gone, but sometimes it’s important to realize that life is bigger than sports.