Do you really enjoy yourself to the fullest at a wedding when you have your kids with you anyway?
I Wear Leggings as Pants, I Have Mom Hair, and IDGAF
Apparently the hairstyle I’ve been wearing for the past two and half years is called “mom hair.” It’s the style you see on most women at Target that’s in an unbrushed ponytail on a head of hair that hasn’t seen a shower in a day (sometimes two). I suppose even […]
Hey Angry Sports Dad, Maybe Chill the F$&k Out on the Sidelines
I see you standing on the sidelines, your perfectly rounded potbelly accentuated by the sun glinting off of your gigantic gold chain.
It Took The Pandemic For Me And My Family To Slow Down
We play card games and board games and the hubs has Nerf battles and roughhouses with the kids…on WEEKNIGHTS!
I’m Not Gonna Miss This
I won’t miss being so exhausted by the planning and preparing for an outing that I don’t even want to attend.
What I’m Thinking While My Kid Rambles About Video Games
Every mom’s train of thought while listening to their kid talk about video games.
Parenting Like a Tour Guide
Even if you feel that you haven’t done the best job, you get the sweetest tips in kisses, hugs, and smiles.
I Thought I Wanted The Stay-At-Home Mom Life
Though I went to college and had a great career, I always dreamt of being a stay-at-home mom. But it’s not what I expected.