So many people read and contributed to my original post, Signs You Went to Michigan State University at the Turn of the Century (Thanks for that! It was so fun to see.), that I thought I’d take one reader up on her suggestion to write a follow-up post including all […]
What You Can Expect As The Surprisee Of A Surprise Party
Because I had just had a baby a week and a half before my 30th birthday — and because instead of partying like a rock star at the official “Dirty Thirty” celebration everybody seems to get these days I was wearing granny panties lined with diaper-grade pads and hobbling around, […]
9/11: To Our Children, It’s a Day Like Any Other, But to Us? It’s Monumental.
I remember while I was growing up, my parents and other adults would tirelessly recount where they were and what they were doing the day John F. Kennedy was shot. My mom was just a kid when it happened, but that didn’t lessen the impact of that day on her […]
Of Good Intentions, Slut Shaming, Double Standards, and Cruelty
You guys have seen the post FYI (if you’re a teenage girl) circulating on Facebook, right? If not, go read it and the comments. Really. We’ll be here when you get back. So WOWZAS, huh? This writer is encouraging girls not to post sexually provocative pictures of themselves on social […]
Signs You Went to Michigan State University at the Turn of the Century
Recently, Buzzfeed published a piece titled 23 Signs you Went to Michigan State University. I saw it countless times in my Facebook newsfeed as friends and family shared and reshared. But aside from a couple “Oh, huh. I guess I remember that” moments, neither Mr. Sammich nor I could relate […]
Stop With The Husband Bashing Already
I remember my brother telling my husband and me about a guy he works with teasing him before he married my sister-in-law. The guy asked him if he knew about the three rings: “First comes the engagement ring. Then comes the wedding ring. And then comes the suffering!” Hardy har har. […]
School Supply List: A Teacher’s Fantasy
I’ve seen a lot of posts on Facebook about school supply purchases my friends have or are about to make for their children entering elementary school, and I’ve gotta say, these lists are insane, you guys: 10 packages of dry erase markers, 17 boxes of crayons, top-of-the-line running shoes, four […]
32 Life Rules I’ve Learned in 32 Years
1. If you have a crap ton of diapers on hand, you won’t need them. If you don’t, your kid will shit the equivalent of an erupting volcano. 2. If something is due tomorrow, you can bet your ass your hard drive will crash/your printer will run out of ink/your […]