We need to create a school system which addresses 21st century issues and can help our kids get ready for the world after high school graduation.
Teachers Accused of ‘Indoctrinating’ Students Removed from Classroom for Safety
It’s not a secret that teaching today is much harder than it was 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Not only have the students and what it takes to spark and maintain interest and attention completely changed, but so has the political climate. And that means what was once a […]
We Should Be Planning For a Significant Change in Remote Learning
Much like cell phones and other pieces of technology we use in our everyday lives, we have become drug-like dependent on it.
Mom’s Post About Crying Teacher Reminds Us That None of This Is Their Fault
Ask me how virtual learning went for my 3 kids, and I’ll sum it up in one word: SHITSHOW. (Or is that two words? Doesn’t matter, it’s terrible either way.) Have you ever tried working from home full time while navigating Seesaw and Google Classroom and forcing your kindergartner to […]
Love-Hate In The Time Of Virtual School
I don’t miss painstakingly cutting crusts pre-coffee, but I do miss writing love notes on their lunch napkins.
Mother-Judgers vs. BLM-Pod-Mom
Yes, my children are in a pod. A pod not every parent can afford, but a pod that is best for my children, who are Black. So take your judgment elsewhere.
#ZoomOfTheFlies Thread Hilariously Captures The Sh*tshow That Is Zooming With 2nd Graders
Look, nothing about virtual learning is easy but at least we can enjoy a few good laughs like this one between all the bouts of crying.
An Adult Report Card from the School of Life
What would a report card from The School of Life look like for me?