And despite wishing we never have to see your Dad's face on the telly anymore, we do hope that you find peace and happiness in your future endeavors.
Humor Tweets

10 Hilarious Tweets Wondering Where TF Barron Trump Was on Moving Day

Many in the United States breathed a sigh of relief as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as the next President and Vice President of the U.S. This moment, coming off the last 4 years of absolute unadulterated fuckery, was a welcome gift of hope and optimism.

Adding to the warm fuzzy feelings of this time was the exit of 45 and his family, something that many folks were actively trying to manifest for the past 4 years or so. However, as the flame-orange dumpster fire himself exited the White House with his equally horrible family, the only tolerable Trump (poor wee Barron) was nowhere to be seen. Which led Twitter to do what Twitter does, and come out with all the jokes.

As just a young kid that didn’t ask to be born into this family, most folks tend to have a soft spot for Barron. After all, if having the Donald as president was bad, imagine what it would be like if he was your actual patriarch and relative. Let’s all shudder to the tune of Help by the Beatles, shall we? So when Barron was nowhere to be seen, Twitter lit up with the jokes, the hope for his escape or new life as an adopted Biden, and the parallels to 1990 blockbuster classic, Home Alone.

10 Hilarious Tweets Wondering Where TF Barron Trump Was on Moving Day

1. As the family posed visibly Barron-less, people began to wonder- did he finally break free?

2. And I suppose the next question is… did they even notice?

3. Perhaps he’s hiding in that bunker his Dad liked so much?

4. Or maybe the signals got crossed somewhere?

5. Maybe he’s gonna have an awfully awkward breakfast with the Bidens?

6. Is he happy? Is this like a wish granted sort of scenario?

7. Maybe it’s just a case of a memory mix-up?

8. Or maybe he’s going to find a new circle to chill with?

9. I mean, it is the White House there’s a lot of space for a person to get lost in.

10. Maybe it’s a blessing.

So Barron, if you’re out there, blink twice if you need anything! And despite wishing we never have to see your Dad’s face on the telly anymore, we do hope that you find peace and happiness in your future endeavors. Because you really can’t help who your parents are.