I have a confession to make: I hate playing with my kids.
In my defense, it’s nothing my kids have done to make me this way. I’ve always hated playing (well, once I outgrew that stage as a child myself). But even as a child, I wasn’t much into toys. Instead, I liked to escape into the pretend worlds of my own mind’s creation or scrape my knees up climbing trees and riding my bike outside.
As a teenager, though, I was 100 percent, without question the WORST babysitter ever (which, in retrospect, is probably why I didn’t book more babysitting gigs). It’s not that I was bad at watching the kids or that I let them get hurt or anything. I just would have much rather anchored myself to the couch to watch MTV (back when it actually had music videos) than play dolls or space forts or kitchen. (Side note: Is MTV even around anymore? Serious question.)
So when it comes to playing with my own kids, no thanks. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the art of play OR the turmoil-turned-hilarity that often ensues when kids do engage in their favorite activities. And I definitely have a few stories of my own to tell when it comes to playtime at our house.
Which is why I can totally relate to these hilarious memes about the many facets of kids’ play, and if you have kids of your own (or know any, for that matter), you will, too.
Check them out, and be sure to click on the images to follow these funny people on social media for more.
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