Health Life

Study Shows People Who Run Late Are Happier and Live Longer, So Hit That Snooze Button Again


In excellent news for the chronically behind schedule, a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University’s Medical School allegedly found that people who run late tend to be happier and live longer. I say “allegedly” because while there are many articles out there that purport this study exists, I cannot find evidence of it firsthand on the Harvard Medical School website.

What I can find, however, is that researchers have identified a correlation between being optimistic and having a lower risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. And if you think about it, people who are constantly running late obviously aren’t too worried about it, so the connection between being a latecomer and having lower health risks, which lead to longevity of life, is certainly plausible.

Lateness aside, researchers have concluded that a predisposition for looking on the sunny side of things is definitely good for one’s well-being:

Optimism helps people cope with disease and recover from surgery. Even more impressive is the impact of a positive outlook on overall health and longevity. Research tells us that an optimistic outlook early in life can predict better health and a lower rate of death during follow-up periods of 15 to 40 years.

Not really a glass-half-full type of person by nature? No worries. A similar Harvard study suggests people can keep that blood pressure down and reduce the risk of related diseases associated with high blood pressure in other ways. How?

  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Learn relaxation techniques.
  3. Strengthen your social network.
  4. Hone your time-management skills.
  5. Try to resolve stressful situations if you can.
  6. Nurture yourself.
  7. Ask for help.

So if you’re that person who is always showing up after an event has begun and you have zero qualms about it, congratulations! Your refusal to be bothered by the clock may be contributing to a healthier overall you.

And if you’re not (a latecomer or happy about it, that is)? Try a deep tissue massage, a tighter sleep schedule, some meditation, and a vent sesh with friends.

Just be sure not to stress about being on time for any of that. After all, it’s called being “fashionably late” for a reason. You’re basically a trendsetter if you really think about it.