I am not going to sit down and list my reasons for choosing the names I did. Gregory and I stand behind our choices.

Why I Am Not Going To Apologize For My Children’s Unique Names

By Kaitleighn King

Being a mom is very important to me. In fact, it is so important to me that I have basically made it my entire personality!

When I first announced my twins’ names (via a rented carrier pigeon, which delivered darling little notes to all of our loved ones), I expected some push-back. Jostipher and Chamomile aren’t exactly run of the mill monikers. My parents praised me for thinking outside of the box.

Others, well, were not so supportive.

“But won’t people have a hard time spelling their names? Won’t they themselves have a hard time spelling their names?”

Now, you might be thinking, those are valid points.

But who are you to judge my parenting choices? It’s not like I am pumping my kids full of questionable chemicals or sending them to public school. C’mon. A little perspective, please.

I myself grew up with a unique name. I constantly had to correct people-“K-a-i-t-l-e-i-g-h-n, not Kaitlin”. That was difficult! I also had to be “Kait K”, because we had a Kaitlyn, a Katelyn and a Kateleign in our grade, but still. Trust me, I get it.

When I first applied for a position at my father’s firm, there were plenty of raised eyebrows. Same when I was given a job at my mother’s charity. Some people are so judgmental about names.

Truth be told, neither of my twins are able to spell their names. Luckily, their learning center is very progressive and my children are not shoehorned into schedules or activities, so it doesn’t really matter. There is only one other Chamomile in my daughter’s entire class, anyway!

For my youngest son, Jaxxxon (pronounced “Jackson”), I had to dig deep to combat all of the naysayers! So silly. Why, my own brother said he was embarrassed to tell people my son’s name (and he named his daughter Emma)!

As for my baby daughter, Divi, the conversation shifted to a new area entirely. Apparently I was “co-opting” a name from another culture, as it means “The Heaven” or “Blue Jay” in Sanskrit. Me, a 1/8 Sioux woman! Wild.

I am not going to sit down and list my reasons for choosing the names I did. Gregory and I stand behind our choices.

What are your kids’ names? Have you had to defend them?



About the Author

Kaitleighn C. King loves God, being a mommy, taking care of her body and inspiring others to live their best lives. Follow her journey at https://kaitleighn-king.webnode.com/.