
Education, Parenting

What Are We Doing to Our Kids?

The 16- and 17-year-old students filed into my classroom, one weary soul after another. It was 1:30 PM, exactly 5 hours and 45 minutes after they had arrived for the day. I studied their expressions, their sunken shoulders, their sleep-deprived and nearly dead eyes, and I wondered to myself, “What […]

I am a teacher. My primary charge is my students -- not collecting data or preparing for standardized tests. And that's what I need to remember.

I Am a Teacher

I am a teacher. Often, I have to repeat those words to myself. Roll them around in my mouth for a bit and let them slide off my tongue. Breathe them in and then out again. In. Out. Let them settle into my brain, my soul, my heart. Especially my […]