
13 Things That’ll Surprise You About America’s First Ladies

To say this election has been unusual is an understatement. Not only is the first woman ever to be nominated for the highest office on the ballot, but the vitriol surrounding the election itself has also been some of the worst in recent years.

As the nation gears up to elect the next leader, there is a lot of attention paid to the candidates themselves. This attention spans questions and commentary about policy, qualifications, and moral code and, as has been the case this time around, can get brutal.

But rarely, if ever, is as much attention paid to the potential political contributions of our next Commander in Chief’s better half. Outside of commentary about her (or his) education, style, and favorite social causes (at least up until this election, that is, where everything from sexual scandals to citizenship has been discussed), the First Lady (or, again, potential First Gentleman) is viewed largely as an extension of her or his spouse.

And that’s a damn shame.

First Ladies and Gentlemen are not just for decoration. Though they are not technically elected officials, their duties have evolved significantly since the days of “Lady Washington.” Coined sometime before 1849 but not used regularly until after, the term “First Lady” has traditionally referred to the President’s spouse and the “hostess of the White House.”

But her or his role in political life has expanded significantly since the days of yore.

First Ladies and Gentlemen are now not just considered hostesses or hosts. Rather, they often take on significant tasks as part of their time in the White House. From championing social causes to appearing as official representatives for the President in his or her absence, the contributions of First Ladies and Gentlemen are significant and often help shape public political opinion.

So what were our foremothers up to over the years, and what historical nuggets have escaped our knowledge? Plenty.

Check out these interesting tidbits as you await the results of this year’s election. If nothing else, they’ll briefly distract you from gnawing your nails right down to the bone as election anxiety reaches all time highs.



Article by Lola Lolita, founder and editor in chief of Sammiches and Psych Meds.

List via PlayBuzz.