
10 Self-Care Ideas to Get You Through November

Self-Care Ideas to Get You Through November

By Julie Vick of

These seasonal self-care rituals can help to get you through whatever difficult times you may be experiencing. Why not give one or two a try?

1. Buy some fresh gourds. Decorate your table with them, or take them outside and hurl them at a fence.

2. Go for a refreshing dip in a cranberry bog.

3. Eat a pumpkin pie for lunch.

4. Eat the leftover Halloween candy for dinner.

5. Focus your energies on creating something. Perhaps a bunker lined with jars of homemade pumpkin puree and pickled butternut squash.

6. Adopt a pet turkey. Cuddle with it, or buy it a tiny top hat.

7. Binge watch reruns of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

8. Light a bonfire or scented candle and stare at it. Burn some things in the fire.

9. Construct something with your used holiday Starbucks cups. Perhaps a tower or scene from the dystopian future.

10. Call in sick for the rest of November.


About the Author

Julie Vick is a writer living in Colorado whose work has appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, The Washington Post, Salon, Parenting, and Brain, Child. You can read more of her work at