Ah, back to school season. Kids have fresh new shoes with the soles still attached. Lunches are packed again with fruit they won’t eat. And library books are already missing.
It’s good times.
But by far the best part of this time of year is the guilt we feel when that dreaded PTA flyer comes home in our kids’ backpacks.
We know the PTA does good things. We appreciate their hard work, as they truly do so much for our kids. But can we just throw them some cash rather than volunteering to work at the bake sale next week? No? I really need to be there? Like wear a bra and and talk to people?
*Cries while signing volunteer form.
But yeah, the PTA is here to stay and for good reason. Lord knows I’m not shelling out any extra dough for new band uniforms or basketballs for P.E. class. So here are some funny tweets from parents who feel the same about the all powerful PTA.
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PTA room mom: We need some volunteers for the class par-
Me: PLATES AND NAPKINS!— Julie Burton (@ksujulie) September 5, 2017
Auto correct changed “absence” to “absinthe” and now my kid’s school won’t let me be on the PTA.
— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) March 8, 2016
If you need me, I’ll be volunteering for things at my kids’ school for the rest of eternity.
— the Mom TruthBomb (@momTruthBomb) June 12, 2017
[adsanity id=”35667″ align=”aligncenter”/]Not to brag, but I’m pretty sure I know more highly-offensive, disgusting swear words than any of the other moms in this PTA meeting.
— Housewife of Hell (@HousewifeOfHell) February 3, 2016
If you’ve set the room mom’s email address to go directly to your junk mail folder, did she even ask for volunteers?
— Difficult Mommy (@difficultmommy) June 2, 2017
Me: (walking in late to a PTA meeting)
PTA: “So glad you’re here! We need one more volunteer for the upcoming bake sale!”
Me: pic.twitter.com/dqHak8kI83— MotherPlaylist (@MotherPlaylist) August 25, 2017
Me: Can I make a donation in lieu of fundraising?
PTO Pres: We really prefer parents to participate.
Me: So…$100 then?
— CrazyExhaustion (@CrazyExhaustion) September 14, 2016
I guess “Peace out, bitches!” wasn’t an appropriate way to leave the PTA meeting.
I know this now.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) April 7, 2017
[adsanity id=”35665″ align=”aligncenter”/]I was just politely asked to leave my daughter’s school’s spaghetti dinner because the PTO was “losing profits”
— Bottlerocket (@bottlerocket) April 12, 2017
Being on the PTA is awesome if you love small talk, awkward silences and avoiding eye contact with people.
— TheMotherOctopus (@MotherOctopusKJ) September 6, 2017
My superpower is ghosting out of PTA meetings and Back to School nights
— Sarah del Rio (@sarahdelri0) September 1, 2017
Feel guilty yet?
– The PTA
— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) September 6, 2017
[adsanity id=”35666″ align=”aligncenter”/]Walk into the PTA meeting with 2 PSL’s.
One for me, & the other I pour onto the floor for my homie Karen, who wants no part of this shit.— Stacey Sordahl (@DrunkAtThePTA) September 6, 2017
Anybody else feel these?