Traveling with a little one isn't easy, especially when they scream and cry. But don't worry, moms. Keep calm and travel on.

Dear Moms: Keep Calm and Travel On

The fasten seat belt light is on. We are settling down and beginning to taxi to the runway. And just as I get comfortable and begin to close my peaceful, three-yr-old-less traveling eyes, there it goes: blood-curdling screaming from a little girl who is just shy of “terribly two.” People […]

Put down the Halloween candy leftovers and prepare to laugh your ass off with last week's 10 funniest Facebookers.
Entertainment, Humor

The 10 Funniest People on Facebook Last Week

The long, winter months are settling in, which means so are the added pounds. Why not lose a little weight laughing your ass off at the 10 funniest people on Facebook last week? 1. Tastes like grass and despair. [fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/tonihammerwriter/posts/712574738842069/” width=”550″/] * 2. That’s right. Pap smears are now […]