Author: Sammiches Guest Writer

It was during the quiet hours that my mind races and I fear the future. It is then that I creep into my daughter's room to watch her sleep and fear I won't be here to watch her grow up.
Health, Parenting

The Quiet Hours

By Heather Von St. James  Having cancer isn’t really all ribbons and runs. It’s not always shaving your head because of hair loss and having someone you love join you. Cancer doesn’t always mean you’re fighting for your life. Sometimes having cancer means feeling alone. It means having to adapt […]

Motherhood is about adapting to change, constantly. Once you're used to the baby stage, they become toddlers. And then toddlers become children. And someday, they'll be teens. Better adjust, Momma!

The Seasons of Motherhood

By Sherene Buffa of Mama’s Doody Everything changes. Good or bad, easy or hard. One thing certain in this life is change will come. As a mother, you have to experience changes you aren’t often ready for. The changes come quickly, from learning how to soothe your colicky newborn (nothing ever […]