Things You Definitely Don't Need While Hungover
Humor Life

Things You Definitely Don’t Need While Hungover

Things You Definitely Don't Need While Hungover

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I have made some bad choices in my day.  VERY BAD.

I don’t know what I was thinking, actually.  I know better than to mix different drinks in one outing.  I even find myself reciting that old bit in my head on the rare opportunities I get to hang out sans kids.  You know, the one that goes something like, “Beer before liquor, never sicker.”

I never listen to myself.

They should really just change it to say, “Beer OR liquor after 30 and when you’re a parent and have retired your party pants, never sicker.”  That one might stick.

Regardless of how the saying goes, I don’t abide by it, and I’ve been regretting my poor decisions for seven years now.


You’d think I’d have learned to watch myself after all that. But no. Nopers. Not even a little bit.

It is, however, during all that suffering over the years that I’ve discovered a few things nobody needs when hungover. So, field research? Sure. That’s what I’m gonna call it.

I present you with things you definitely don’t need while hungover. EVER.

noise-making toys

pleas to “come look at this, Mommy” or “Mommy, Mommy, MOM-MY! Can I have a fruit bar?”

ringers on telephones

alarm clocks

lots and lots of children running around crazily


to see or smell others drinking wine or beer

to read a dinner menu on a smart phone while riding in a car along curvy roads

to ride in a car along curvy roads

to start one’s period

demands to “color this one blue and that one red and the other one green”

temper tantrums because the dogs ate the Lincoln Logs

children’s squeals of glee

laughter of any kind

to see a young, college-age couple fighting outside Bennigan’s (No, wait. I did need that.)

muddy shoes

to have to go to work the next day

dog pee on the carpet

to have the driver turn the music up full blast in an attempt to drown out the screaming children in the back of the car


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to have to put on clean clothes

to brush one’s teeth whilst gagging uncontrollably

extreme heat

extreme cold

socks on

socks off

to run out of iced tea

dinging smart phone and tablet notifications

graduate class work

to wake up to a staring child 2 inches from one’s face

to have to brush one’s hair

to have to remove yesterday’s makeup off one’s face — ALL OF IT

to feel so dehydrated, one’s certain his/her internal organs look like raisins


to wake up feeling like one’s got socks on his/her teeth

to have to be presentable in public

to have to put on pants

to run out of bubble bath and have to use the Johnson’s and Johnson’s baby wash

to be certain one needs a shamrock shake only to take a few sips and be slightly less certain

to write lesson plans for PD day

toddler farts

bells or rattles on toys

diaper genies


Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a porcelain god to pray to at some point within the next few months. I’m sure of it.
