The first baby making experience was romantic and beautiful and planned. Subsequent baby making ventures are rushed, all business, and may involve a toddler knocking on the door.
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Real Mommy Confessions: I Really Want Another Baby

The first baby making experience was romantic and beautiful and planned. Subsequent baby making ventures are rushed, all business, and may involve a toddler knocking on the door.

By Karrson Hevia of 2ManyOpenTabs & Real Mommy Confessions

I remember with such fondness, the moment my husband and I decided it was time to grow our family of two and conceive our first child. It was a magical, intimate affair filled with passion and unwavering love. A truly beautiful bonding experience as we held one another’s hands and journeyed through to the next chapter of our lives together.

There was music. There were candles. There was the perfect juxtaposition of passionate spontaneity and committed premeditation at its finest. And when I often think back to those early days of young love, there’s not one minute detail of that particularly extraordinary moment in our lives that I can’t remember, as though it were yesterday.

Fast forward several years later on the eve of Mother’s Day, and I can think of nothing more that I could ever want than to experience the magic of growing our family once again to include another bundle of joy. Now — don’t get my wrong — there was just as much vested love behind this all-so-important decision to proliferate once again, but the scene was set a bit differently… ok, a lot differently and actually, let’s get it straight, there was no scene—there was very simply a bed, two hurried people on it and a clock that was feverishly ticking down the seconds. Trying to capitalize on the brief window of opportunity we had to ‘fit it in’ before we were found by our 3-year-old is like trying to swim upstream with ankle weights on. Not an easy feat, let me tell you.

So while we may not have been afforded the same set of blissful circumstances nor the chance to relish in the magnitude of the moment, one thing is certain: it was beautiful and imperfect, just like motherhood.

And as for the candles? I guess we’ll just have to save them for the kids’ birthday cakes.

This post and video were originally featured on MomCo


About the Author

Karsson Hevia is a Mother to two little dudes working as a Content Writer and Social Media Strategist in the Bay Area (while maintaining her deep Midwest roots). Karsson writes about the excruciatingly beautiful juxtaposition of motherhood and her continual desire to find the so-called balance of life on her blog 2ManyOpenTabsReal Mommy Confessions: Real confessions from real moms all over the world can be found on Facebook at Real Mommy Confessions