Humor Parenting SPM/MM Tweets

10 of the Funniest Tweets About the Joys of Early Mornings with Kids

Remember weekend mornings before kids? Sleeping until 9 a.m… drinking hot coffee… mimosas at brunch… Or, remember when you didn’t know that 4:45 a.m. was an actual time to be awake? Ah, so many fun things our kids have taught us.

Like how it feels to be woken up mid-lightsaber battle before the sun rises. And you didn’t even know you were battling. Or the joy of completing an entire game of CandyLand by 7:30 a.m. So. Fricking. Fun.

Well, here are some fellow parents in the trenches of exhaustion, missing their Saturday mornings just as much as you do.

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Now go to bed. Your kid is going to wake you up in like 3 hours asking to have candy for breakfast and complaining that his sister stole the iPad. Get your zzzzzs while you can!