Some white lies, like Santa or the Easter Bunny, are usually innocent. But what about when moms lie to keep their own secrets hidden from their children?

When Moms Lie

By Sherene Buffa I think most moms can agree that they have lied to their kids a time or two. There are times when we have to fib a little. Times when your kid is having a tantrum and you say things that aren’t true to get her to do what you […]

For friendship. For a shoulder to cry on. For advice. And for having a tribe who understands. These are some of the reasons you need a moms' group.

5 Reasons You NEED a Moms’ Group

By Theresa Janaitis of Mommy Dearest Inc. Let me just cut to the chase. Prior to having my baby, the term “Mom Group” made me, well, cringe. I imagined the “stroller parking lot” at CPK teeming with crusty strollers filled with gummed up yogurt melts, crushed Goldfish, Cheerio smithereens and a thick coat […]


Desiderata for Parents: A Poem

By Joel Ryan of thegladstork.com Based on “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and paste, and try to remember how much boredom there used to be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all childcare providers. Speak your discipline quietly and clearly; […]