
Bible-Wielding Mom Asks Target Shoppers To Boycott “Devil Raping”


Just when you thought you’d seen all the crazy, a Bible-wielding mother with her 12 disciples (also known as her children) following closely behind marches through Target, conspiracy-shouting demanding other mothers leave the store and not allow perverted men to “devil rape” their children in the bathrooms of the popular retail store.

According to this woman, Target is merely bowing to the “homosexual agenda” in its recent decision to allow people to use the restrooms according to the gender with which they identify.

I mean, it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Why would anyone want to allow their daughters to be devil raped by homosexuals in the women’s restroom? Devil raping is for sons using the men’s restroom. Because if devil rapers are going to strike, they’re going to strike, aren’t they? So it’s best we leave them alone to strike the sons they’ve been preying on for years. Besides, allowing them access to a whole new population of victims via the women’s restroom will only confuse them.

Leave the devil rapers to the men’s bathroom. It’s God’s will that devil raping only occur in there. DUH.

I don’t even know where to begin attacking the logic, falsehood, and bigotry in her statements because there’s JUST SO MUCH OF IT that my brain nearly explodes at the thought. For starters, homosexuals aren’t using any different bathrooms than they already were as a result of Target’s new policy. And the policy? What do homosexuals even have to do with it, really? And then there’s the assumption that all homosexuals are rapists, and I just … I can’t with her. I can’t.

You know, I realize people have been off their rockers for centuries, but now that evidence of their existence is so accessible via the internet, my faith in humanity is hanging on by a tiny, rapidly fraying string.

I guess I’d better stay out of Target and its restrooms in particular. I’d hate for that quickly waning faith in humanity to which I’m cleaving to be devil raped right out from under me.