“Are you going to love me, even when you die?” my daughter asks as we’re making lunch. “Forever and ever,” I reply, quickly, as I have before, to the same question. She knows the answer already, and she’s only five. These chats have become a recurring thing. “And even when […]
Author: Jeremy McKeen
17 Rules for Parents of LEGO Masters
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] NOW THAT I’VE EARNED $15 at the LEGO store for spending $300 there in the last two and a half years, I’ve learned a little something. For starters, I wish I earned LEGO points for ordering online, because then I’d be in business for extra LEGO […]
I Can’t. I Have to Hold the Baby.
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] I would love to do whatever it is that you’re doing, or plan on doing, or whatever it is I did before I had the third kid, but I have to hold the baby. Everything now revolves around the world headquarters for life that is my […]
MomBod v. DadBod: God (and Mrs. God) Weigh In
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] Recently Jeremy McKeen of Nerdy Dad Shirt sat down with God and Mrs. God at their Maine home to ask about several topics, but mainly about the pressing matter of body issues, body shaming, and the meaning of life. JM: Thank you for having me. You have a […]
When We Were Old: Looking Back on Early Parenting
I don’t want to mulch this Saturday. I know it’s our big to-do for when the weather’s right, but I don’t want to. I want to do things young people with kids do, like a soccer game or dance recital or gymnastics. Like the old days. Like the good old […]
5 Brilliant Ways To Name Your Stupid Blog
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] CONGRATULATIONS on joining the masses of former English majors, home chefs, and stay at home parents who think their opinions are either relevant, insightful, or funny! You are (or will be soon enough) a blogger, the lowest common type of writer out there. There’s a dog […]
Dear Octomom, I Choose You
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] OCTOMOM, I LOVE YOU. I choose you. I contemplate you. It’s you I think about when times are tight here in the First World where we can have babies on top of babies and they don’t starve or suffer, at least not like the other worlds […]
10 Reasons NO ONE Really Believes In John Lennon’s “Imagine”
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] THERE IS RARELY A TIME that I hear John Lennon’s song “Imagine” when I don’t get a little choked up and sentimental towards a hopeful world. The anarchic, atheistic, socialistic, rebellious nature of the song has somehow worked its way into the heart of Americana, where […]