Entertainment Humor

The 10 Funniest Facebookers — Holiday Edition

The holiday chaos has almost come to a close, and aside from making resolutions they never intend to keep past New Year’s Day, most people are settling back into their familiar routines. But that doesn’t mean we can’t hang on to the magic of the season a bit longer. (And by magic, I mean hilarity.)

Pour yourselves one more glass of spiked nog and settle in for some chuckles. Just be sure to take sips between reading the posts here. I have it on good authority that booze can really burn the nostrils.

1. Christmas and sex. Two peas in a pod. (RachRiot)

Funniest Facebookers Holiday Edition

2. And the lesser known swear word, Poopie McPooperson. (Christine Organ)

Funniest Facebookers Holiday Edition

3. Forget batteries. The entire 21st century is out to get us. (The Runaway Mama)

Funniest Facebookers Holiday Edition

4. Makes perfect sense. (Zoe vs. The Universe)

Funniest Facebookers Holiday Ediition

5. See? Not as healthy as you’d think. (Samara Speaks)

6. Wine is always the answer. (This is Motherhood)

7. Beautiful vocalists, whales. (Sparkly Shoes and Sweatdrops)

8. New reality TV series? (Punk Rock Papa)

9. Mr. Popular. (Developing Dad)

10. Sleep is just a pipe dream. (Appetite for Honesty)