
Toddler Rescues Brother from Fallen Dresser: Please Stop Judging and Start Anchoring Your Furniture

A video of a toddler pushing a fallen dresser off of his twin brother is making the internet rounds.

As the two-year-olds are playing in their room during what appear to be the early morning hours, they climb their mostly empty dresser drawers and pull the whole thing over on Brock Shoff. After a minute, Bowdy Shoff forces the dresser off of his brother.

The full video is embedded below, and I will warn you that it is very difficult to watch. It has a happy ending but was clearly a close call.

The boys’ father, Ricky Shoff, told CNN that he was nervous to share the footage but ultimately wanted to prevent other parents from making the same mistake.

Why was he hesitant to share the video? Because this is the internet, folks.

While most people expressed relief that the kids were both unscathed, many crucified the parents immediately. Some asked where the parents were. Some wondered why the mom did not hear the accident. Noticeably, almost no one asked specifically about the dad. Of course.

I think placing blame on others for accidents helps relieve us of the anxiety that something like this could happen to our children.

Yes, that dresser should have been anchored, which is why the parents decided to release the video. Learn from their mistakes.

But the vitriol towards them for not hearing the accident? Please.

Let’s look at the case of another toddler twin, three-year-old Meghan Beck. In 2004, Meghan pulled her dresser over on herself while her parents slept. Her small body acted as a cushion for the heavy dresser, effectively muffling the sound. Her story does not have a happy ending.

What about Brock’s screams?

The video was two minutes long. It seems like an eternity because it is so stomach-churning to watch. We don’t know the location of the bedrooms in the house or the specifics of the situation. All we know is they were asleep and did not hear the screaming.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I take a shower while my kids nap. It could have been me. It could have been you.

A few weeks ago, after reading the story of Meghan Brock again, I decided that we had too much unanchored furniture in our house. I made plans to secure it all that weekend. In the meantime, this happened:

It could have been me.

Judgment does not help prevent accidents; it only lets us distance ourselves from our own mistakes.

Instead of rushing to blame the parents, let’s learn from their mistakes.

Anchor your furniture.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commision, one child dies from falling furniture every two weeks. No, it’s not the leading cause of death, but it is a very preventable one.

Anchor. Your. Furniture.

I ordered a few different items to use, depending on the weight and sturdiness of the furniture.

8ct Premium Children Anti Tip Furniture Wall Straps –

6ct BTSKY® Adjustable Child Safety Locks –

While I was at it, I also went ahead and ordered some outlet covers and cabinet locks because my son is basically a master of disaster and if anyone was going to try to drink bleach it would probably be him.

We need to try hard to swallow our impulse to shame parents for accidents — their sharing may save your child’s life.