Tag: living with anxiety


My Friend the Anxiety Monster

My friend the Anxiety Monster usually trails somewhere near me at all times, popping up when I can’t find my keys and am running late, or when somebody yells at me in person, or via email at work, or when my kids have stage 6 temper tantrums and I can’t […]


Hello. My name is Mrs. Sammich, and I have an anger problem.

It’s more like a feelings problem, really. Whereas normal people get sad, I get blubbering-bucket-of-tears sad.  Whereas normal people get worried, I get certain-an-airplane-toilet-is-going-to-come-crashing-through-the-roof-and-kill-us-all-repeatedly worried.  Whereas normal people get angry, I get blood-pressure-spikingly-and-extremity-tremblingly angry. I’d say I’m bipolar (isn’t that when people get super manic and then super depressed and […]

This is What Anxiety Feels Like
Health, Life

This Is What Anxiety Feels Like

I’ve always been “high strung” — you know, that thing people call you when you like things to be a certain way and you are bossy and you sweat the small stuff and you can’t stand when pictures hanging on a wall are off center but have no problem leaving […]