Humor Parenting

Let’s Play Parenting BINGO!

If you’re a parent or about to be one, you likely know all too well that it’s a jungle out there. Parents are offered advice about and judged for everything from whether they choose to breastfeed or formula feed to whether they choose to stay home with their children or work outside the home. And no one — not even perfect little me 🙂 — is exempt from both doling out her opinions or passing judgment and receiving such unwelcome tidbits.

Given the inevitability of it all, I figured we might as well make a game out of it. So I present you with Parenting BINGO.

Just when you think you can’t stand another sanctimommious comment about how you shouldn’t let them eat processed sugar or about how your decision to send them to daycare is akin to abandoning them in a dumpster somewhere, channel that energy into completing your card here rather than plotting 64 ways to murder someone with common household kitchen utensils. Simply mark each square immediately upon hearing about the specific ways in which you’re doing it all wrong or should approach it differently — you know, to help make you the parent we all know you want to be.

See? So much better (and cleaner) than homicide. You’re welcome.

parenting bingo