My remedial students had a project due today, which for the first time ever, I told them couldn’t be turned in late (with the exception of late projects because of IEP or 504 accommodations). You see, the marking period is about to end in a couple days, and I 1.) […]
On Hating a Hater
By now you’ve likely heard that Fred Phelps, famous for his Westboro Baptist Church affiliation and “God Hates Fags” doctrine, is reportedly “on the edge of death”. This really isn’t news, for the man’s 84 years old, an age when many elderly citizens battle deadly health afflictions. Except it is […]
I’m Tired of People Complaining About Kids in Public
Just real fucking tired of it. I came across an article that ground my gears. Not the article itself. The article was fine. It was the comment thread on the Facebook page that lit a fire in my rear. (Why I even read those things is beyond me. I should […]
What You Can Do to Help Children with Special Needs in Your Community
We all do it: Hear a story on the radio or see one on TV or the internet about a child with special needs facing a difficult circumstance, think about how terrible or sad the details are and wish there were something we could do, then dismiss the story and […]
Common Myths About SAHMs and WOHMs Dispelled
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] It is one of the most irritating things for SAHMs: husbands asking them what they’re up to each day. Anyone who’s ever stayed home with kids knows there’s no way to predict exactly where the day will take you. Anyone who’s ever stayed home with kids […]
Why the North is Poking Fun at the South for Falling Apart in the Snow
It snowed in the South. And it was terrible. Highways in Atlanta were jammed for so long that people eventually abandoned their cars, making the trek to nearby hotels, convenience stores, supermarkets, and strangers’ houses to keep warm for the night. Schoolchildren were trapped overnight at schools after buses and […]
To Amy Glass: A Response to the Whole “I Look Down on Women with Husbands and Kids” Thing
Slow clap. Seriously, gurrl. You’ve got balls. I know you’re catching a lot of flack for your I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry post from earlier this month. I’m not surprised. Calling women lazy and weak and average will do that. You […]
Teaching Kids About Discrimination and Equality: Thoughts from a Midwestern White Woman
The other day at dinner, Alister, 5, turned to me and said, “Mommy, guess what? I learned about the guy who made everything fair today.” I stared at him, puzzled. “Which guy is that?” “The guy who made it so dark skinned people can do the same things as white […]