Admit it. You tell lies to get out of doing things or to appease others. You're not alone. Here are 16 little lies almost everyone has told and what they really mean.
Humor Life

16 Little Lies We’re All Guilty of Telling

Admit it. You tell lies to get out of doing things or to appease others. You're not alone. Here are 16 little lies almost everyone has told and what they really mean.

You know you tell those little white lies on occasion. Don’t worry; I’m sure a lot of us can relate!

Sorry I’ve been super busy

You’re lying. We all know you were either binge watching Netflix or something you’ve DVRd. Or you’re an asshole and got to take a nap. At least you’re kind enough to not rub it in.

I Better Get to Cleaning

Liar! We all know you’re going to chow down on whatever you made for the kids while you still have a chance that it’s warm. Your house is probably already clean and you just don’t want company. I do it too.

My Kids Are Being Angels

Yeah, I’m sure they are! What did you have to say to get them to behave? Give us your secrets, you witch! Or at least share what bribery works.

I Slept So Well

What the hell kind of drugs are you taking? Why aren’t you sharing with the class? Did your kids spend the night with a friend?

Oh Yeah, That Makes Sense

Can we move on to a new subject now? I have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe I can hit up Google while you’re not looking.

I’ll Get Right To That

Because, of course, I do not have thirty other things going on, including the need to pee.

I Swear I Looked

I have no idea what you asked me to look for. Tell me again; I probably know right where it is anyway.

My Phone Died

I don’t like to talk on the phone. Sorry, not sorry. I’m busy and probably didn’t even hear it ring. If I did, well, I sent it to voicemail for a reason.

We Need To Hang Out More

There is a reason we aren’t hanging out. This is something I say usually to people I can’t stand but want to be polite to. Message me on my birthday next year!

I’m Right Around the Corner

Oops. I forgot I was supposed to be there. I’m leaving now, driving like a crazy person.

I’ll Do it Tomorrow

If I were going to do it at all, I would have done it. I might get to it next week or next month. Who am I kidding? I’ll think about it in a year or two.

It’s Not That Bad

Shit, we better hit up the emergency room or take cover.

We’re Going To Be Late

Yes, if we do not leave in like a half hour, we will be late. Now, hurry the hell up!

I Already Cleaned It

Ha ha ha. No, I didn’t. I’m going to make YOU clean it though.

It’s Really, Really Bad for You

OK, I don’t want to share, dammit! It’s mine and I’m not giving you a bite. Get off my brownie!

Sorry I’m Late

Ha ha ha ha. You’re lucky I even showed up. It probably took me a week to prepare something to wear here. Quit looking at me before I make an excuse to leave early.

What other lies do you tell?