So it looks we have the flu. Like ALL of us. So here are some funny tweets to make you laugh between chugging Nyquil or puking.
Health Humor Tweets

15 Funny Flu Tweets to Cheer Up Bedridden America

So it looks we have the flu. Like ALL of us. So here are some funny tweets to make you laugh between chugging Nyquil or puking.

Our family kicked off the year with the worst case of the flu we’ve had in years. One child fell. Then Mom. Then another kid. Then we had a bit of a break… And then it hit AGAIN.

By the end of the longest 12 days of my life, everyone had succumbed. Sheets were washed with the “sanitize” cycle. Buckets were left by bedsides, emptied, washed, and put back by the bedside. Toilets were scrubbed, and I Lysol-ed every single door knob, light switch, handle, sink faucet, and I think maybe my childrens’ actual bodies. I just walked around spraying that shit everywhere out of desperation.

And if it hits again, we are moving.

To help get me through the long nights of catching my children’s vomit in my hands, I took to Twitter to commiserate with other people fighting this wretched battle. Because whether it’s the stomach flu, Influenza A, that weird H1N1 thing from a few years ago, or any other flu-related horror, it sucks all around. Thank God for Twitter.



And, really the most important lesson here:


If it hasn’t hit your house yet, here’s to hoping it doesn’t. And if it has?
