
Woman Shamed As ‘Bad Mom’ For Not Putting Smiley Face on Child’s Pancake

By Aimee Stotts of

A Dallas mom is said to have served her three-year-old son a normal, plain pancake.

“It looked like a pancake I would eat,” said a neighbor, aghast. “Just a plain, faceless thing. No blueberries made into a smile, and what’s worse, the poor child didn’t even say anything about it and ate the pancake in silence.”

The woman is also reported to regularly give her son hot dogs without first making them into hot dog men. When asked, the child was obviously confused by the situation. It was as if he didn’t realize it was possible for sandwiches to look like giraffes.

“I’m a little afraid to bring it up,” admits a close friend and mother-of-three. “But I have been trying to encourage her to get a Pinterest account.”

The woman defends herself by saying that she did put a smiley face on her son’s pancake once, but he didn’t seem to care.

Area moms are planning an intervention, and hopefully the situation will get sorted out soon.


About the Author

Aimee Stotts is a writer/stay-at-home mom at She’s a transplant Texan and is still trying to figure out if her husband is saying “hill” or “heel.” She can be found picking food up off the floor, reading books, or running her usual two routes around town. She enjoys baking and is still learning how to not burn the first batch of cookies. She can also be seen practicing handstands in the living room.