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Woman Claims Poo-Pourri Is the Key to a Happy Marriage


During a recent study regarding contributing factors to long, successful marriages, one local woman surprised many with her claim to marriage bliss. While many cited things such as communication, cleanliness, mutual respect, and sex as the greatest recipes to the best of partnerships, Mary Carson credits the product Poo-Pourri with keeping her marriage a happy one.

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“I’m not kidding, that shit saved my marriage,” declares the 46-year-old mother of two. When asked to elaborate as to how this product has continued to aid her marriage, Mary was happy to explain the reasons behind her interesting claim.

“When people are dating, they tend to put their best foot forward. A lot of the time this means hiding the not-so-adorable pieces of who we really are. In a nutshell, people don’t burp, fart, produce bowel movements, or have armpits and foot smells that rival the power of the almighty sun. Once that relationship is on completely solid ground, things begin to change here and there. People may see their partner suddenly picking their nose, biting their nails, farting loudly after meals.

“In essence, we become human. It’s not uncommon, and if you love someone, you smile and pretend not to notice, even if it grosses you out. However, these behaviors can start to pull a bit of spark out of the partnership and irritate us past the point of being able to simply ignore them,” Mary tells us.

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“After we had our first child, I was so sick of smelling and seeing poo everywhere. The last thing I wanted to fill my nostrils when I finally had a second in the bathroom to myself was another person’s stench, but I felt like that odor is what I always smelled. Like many men, my husband can clear the hallway easily after a ride on the porcelain throne; between that and the festering diapers, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“I began to feel resentful and disgusted, which began to really hurt the in the romance department,” Mary admits before adding, “Sharing only one bathroom didn’t help the situation. I was forced to wait until the smell dissipated or hold my breath for as long as possible. The fan offered little relief to the issue.”

While the primary purpose of the bathroom is to use the toilet, shower, and sink, it cannot be denied that many people find their bathroom to be a sanctuary, a place of both comfort and privacy. While one can sympathize with the husband’s issues, it is also understandable that it can definitely put a strain on the marriage when the sanctuary feels perpetually tainted. Mary once saw her bathroom as a comfy personal retreat.

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“I used to love having a moment to sit on the potty to check my Facebook page, delve into a good book, or watch some funny YouTube videos in peace. It was my quiet time, a place to gather my thoughts. Now those moments are few and far between.” She admittedly felt ashamed for being so put off by something the person she loved couldn’t control.

“I tried to ignore it and pretend it wasn’t an issue, but I couldn’t stop myself from gagging whenever I was second in line for the bathroom,” she continued. “One day someone gave us a gag gift called Poo-Pourri. We both laughed at how hilarious the name was and put it in our bathroom as a joke. We never guessed that this would be the key to resolving an increasingly irritating issue.”

Since the introduction of this hilariously named product, Mary said things at her house became happier and far less stinky. “Now I actually enjoy entering the bathroom after him because I’m enveloped with the wonderful smell of lavender mixed with vanilla,” she says. “It’s like aromatherapy for the bathroom!” Her husband, though skeptical at first, has fully embraced the use of this product as well.

“It does smell a lot nicer and fixes up the room way faster than the overhead fan,”  he said before adding, “and to be honest, she doesn’t always smell of roses either, but God forbid I tell HER that…It’s definitely gotten the smelly haze of bathroom tension out of our lives.”

The candle and essential oil industries are lucrative ones, so there is something to be said for happiness being made out of things one smells on a day to day basis. Some people’s marriages enter tough times due to lack of sex, financial insecurity, and even little things, such as a continuous failure to toss things into the trash when they are a mere two feet away. Marriage is about sharing everything and making the best of every situation.

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“We work together to make our home happy, comfortable, and tension free. Poo-Pourri is just one of the small things that helped us in a big way to accomplish this lovely balance. With so many things to butt heads over, bodily functions should be low on the list. The harmony in your home will thank you for it,” Mrs. Carson tells us with confidence.

Mary hopes her hot tip will aid in the happiness and overall harmony in many marriages across the country. It’s the little things that work toward building one fortress of a marriage.


About the Author

Marisa Svalstedt is a stay-at-home mom living in Connecticut, with her husband, and their daughter. She received her MA in English from Western Connecticut State. Her writing has been featured on Babble, The Mighty, ParentCo, Her View from Home, and many other publications. In addition to writing she enjoys photography, crochet, and jumping on trampolines.