
There’s a Pill to Make Farts Smell Like Chocolate (Because of Course There Is)

In case you needed proof that people buy stupid things, or that the French are weird AF, there’s a pill people can take to make farts smell like chocolate.

‘Le Pilule Pet’ or, translated, ‘The Fart Pill’ (I think we can all agree the French sounds better in this instance), comes in a variety of forms designed to make gaseous asses smell like chocolate, roses, violets, or even ginger.

The ginger scent has been tooted touted as the St. Valentine’s Day edition, with the tagline, “What is the first natural aphrodisiac anyone thinks about?” Umm, not ginger farts, surely?

The chocolate scent is the Special Christmas Edition, because nothing says “Merry Christmas” like confusing your olfactory sense with a fart that smells vaguely like food.

For about $15-$20, you can get a pack of 60 pills (not including shipping…from France). The different varieties have slightly different pricing, which is all in Euros (but the exchange rate for the Euro and dollar are about the same).

Inventor Christian Poincheval came up with the idea for Le Pilule Pet after a dinner with friends:

“We were eating a lot with our friends and the smell from the flatulence was really terrible. We couldn’t breathe so my and friend decided something had to be done,” Poincheval said.

“When we were vegetarian we noticed that our gas smelt like vegetables, like the odor from a cow patty, but when we started eating meat, the smell of the flatulence became much disagreeable,” he said. “We needed to invent something that made them smell nicer.”

I can only assume Poincheval’s humanitarian award is pending.

And in case you’re wondering if they make a fart powder for dogs, the answer is, “Yes!” While humans are their main fecal focal point, there is a “fart powder for dogs that stink.” No specification on what scent is used for our furry friends.

But if you like Poo-Pourri, I can only assume you’ll love this fart freshener.