Having the sex talk with kids can be uncomfortable, but there are some very good reasons to be open and honest with children about sexual activity.
Education Health Parenting

The Argument for Having Open Sex Talks with Kids

Having the sex talk with kids can be uncomfortable, but there are some very good reasons to be open and honest with children about sexual activity.

A while ago while school was still in session, my oldest son had to attend “Health Class.” He was nervous, claiming the subject made him sick to his stomach. During dinner, we talked about everything from where babies really come from to wet dreams. I know it wasn’t really dinner table appropriate, but I had to help my son through this difficult time. My younger son will be going through this class this coming school year. Better to be prepared than not, right?

A few days ago, my husband came home with some information: a thirteen-year-old girl we knew was pregnant. I know I became pregnant at fifteen, but thirteen is so scary. Becoming a mom at thirteen or fifteen is too young. I wouldn’t change what happened to me, but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Being a parent is hard; becoming one before you are legally able to work is miserable.

My husband argued we should teach our kids abstinence. While I agree it would be preferable to abstain from sex, I know from experience it won’t happen. I remind my boys every so often that they can talk to me about anything. They can come to me for condoms if they are set on having sex. I would rather they didn’t, but I would also rather they be safe. I do not want them coming home informing me they impregnated their girlfriends.

Just for argument’s sake, if they came home and told me they were gay, I’d be OK with it. It’s their life, their bodies, their choice. As for now, they are interested in girls. They also know we would accept them either way.

Parents, I know it’s hard. I know it’s scary and awkward. Please talk to your children. Make their home life safe. Make them comfortable enough to talk to you about sex. There are too many babies having babies. Not only is the life of the thirteen-year-old girl going to be in shambles, but also so are her parents’ lives. Who does that baby fall to if the teenager doesn’t want it? Her parents. What if they don’t want it? Then the baby gets placed into “the system” for someone else to raise. The only thing we can do is prepare our children.

I don’t want to ruin any child’s childhood, but let’s be real. This is happening all over. It really wasn’t long ago that fifteen-year-olds were getting married and having babies legally. Just because your child is acting like a child today doesn’t mean tomorrow they aren’t trying something new and dangerous.

We can argue about this all day long. But I know my boys are going to be ready and informed.