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Mom Dubbed “Kidz Bop Karen” After Bizarre Road Rage Interaction

A woman and her rideshare driver were treated to an absolutely bizarre display of road rage when “Kidz Bop Karen” (as she’s been dubbed online) stopped in the road to come give them a stern talking-to.

After reportedly getting cut off by the rideshare driver, the woman stopped in traffic to come confront him. The passenger in the backseat decided to film the whole crazy interaction, which made her obviously not too pleased. Although the driver admitted fault, she began to call the recording passenger names, such as “bitch ass ho.”

When the passenger said the agitated driver was presenting a good example for her kids (who were presumably in her car that was stopped in the middle of the road), “Kids Bop Karen” dropped her iconic rationale that they couldn’t hear her because they were listening to Kidz Bop.

Road rage is a serious and potentially very dangerous phenomenon. So much so that it’s rarely ever funny. But this case is, mostly because of the hand gestures, the creepy facial expressions, and the way she moved her head into the vehicle.

It didn’t help that she was a very mild-looking woman saying things like “your attitude sucks dick” and making hand gestures that were vaguely reminiscent of a high school adaptation of the theatrical production of Cats while talking in a sweetsy-yet-condescending vocal fry.

Obviously such a wild encounter went super viral and has already been remixed and inspired a ton of Tik-Toks. Although it was hilarious as is, the remakes only enhance the whole thing.

I mean, really.

I guess it’s all part of the modern age that if you’re going to act like an unhinged weirdo, it will probably end up being the gateway to your 15 minutes of fame. Apparently, “Kidz Bop Karen” regrets the way she behaved and told TMZ that she deserved for this to happen because she was being a jerk.

At least she’s showing some insight regarding her bizarre outburst.