Parenting Tweets

Just Some Tweets Reminding You Your Mom Bod Is Amazing

Having kids is an incredible, multifaceted experience. Everything can change – your emotions, your lifestyle – and if your motherhood journey included pregnancy, your body.

It isn’t always easy to come to terms with these changes in your body. Sometimes, you end up looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back at you. This can be all sorts of mind-bending and it can be hard for some of us to learn to embrace the new skin we’re in.

But here’s the thing – just because your body might be different, doesn’t mean it’s worse. Creating life is a beautiful and wonderful thing, and the diversity of our physical form even after baby should be celebrated. You are beautiful and wonderful, and maybe it’s the world that needs a wake-up call when it comes to body acceptance.

The last thing that we should be doing as new moms is beating ourselves up over what we think we should look like. It’s a complicated issue, and probably easier said than done, but in all honesty you are a pretty rad, incredible badass to have created life. You’re amazing!

So here are just 12 tweets from Twitter mamas to remind you that you’re great, and that your body, and the things it has done, are incredible.

11 Tweets To Remind You Just How Amazing Your Mom-Bod Truly Is

1. If you won’t be your own cheerleader, outsource that shit

2. I mean, it doesn’t really get more impressive than that


4. Louder for the folks in the back!


5. All natural, celebratory tattoos

6. This might blow your mind, but it’s true

7. All hail the next generation!

8. Remember what they’re seeing


9. Be happy where you are

10. Next stop, beach fun!

11. I mean, she’s not wrong


So remember to give yourself credit for the person that you are beyond appearances. Although it can be hard these days to wade through all the bullshit that’s telling us we aren’t enough, true happiness comes from a place of love. This includes loving yourself.

You are a mother, and there isn’t much stronger than that. You are beautiful, wonderful, and your body did incredible things. Give yourself some props for that!