Dear Fellow Mom: As I sit and write this I am shaky from the encounter I had with your children. You are not aware of the encounter or of me really. You were asleep. And when you were awoken it was by a cop and not me. I am the […]
Why We Shouldn’t Always Let Kids Be Kids
By Emily Millman of The Moments In Between As a step-parent, I get it. I totally do. He’s a boy. He’s three. He gets loud, dirty, and destructive. He’s a kid, and he acts like one. But there comes a time when you’re trying to keep your sanity and patience […]
Confessions of a Bad Mom: Sex Talk Gone Wrong (or Right?)
By Michelle Poston Combs of Rubber Shoes in Hell I’ve read a couple blog posts recently that revolved around parents having ‘the talk’ with their sons. They were funny and sweet and guilt inducing. You guys, I’ve been a bad mom and this is one of my spectacular parental fails. […]
20 Things I Never Imagined I Would Say As A Parent
Let’s be honest: We all said to ourselves that we weren’t going to be “those” parents — the ones with a whiny child at checkout, screaming over a Snickers bar or the type of parent who wields a child leash. We all said we wouldn’t be our own parents — […]
Sometimes I Hate My Husband. And That’s OK.
Sometimes I hate my husband, and I’m still a loving wife. There are days that I want to smash things because of words my husband uttered without thinking. Nights I want to smother him with a pillow for snoring too loudly when I’m exhausted. There are days I want to […]
Why I Won’t Answer the Question “Boy or Girl?”
I’m standing in one of the baby aisles at Target looking for daddy-themed onesies. Our first kiddo is due soon, and I thought it would be cute to prematurely celebrate Dad’s Day. We don’t know the biological sex of our first child yet, and we won’t know our child’s gender […]
The 10 Commandments of Being Married with Children
They say the most grueling years of a marriage are the two after you have a child together. This makes perfect sense to me. Between the stress, hormones, and sleep deprivation, it’s really a wonder any of us survive it. But they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, […]
17 BS Things People Say to Moms and What They Want to Say Back
These are real life things people have said to me in public places. I’m sure most of us hear at least one of these remarks every time we leave the house. I bite my tongue and smile politely with a humble response (usually), but the responses in my head are […]