[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] It is one of the most irritating things for SAHMs: husbands asking them what they’re up to each day. Anyone who’s ever stayed home with kids knows there’s no way to predict exactly where the day will take you. Anyone who’s ever stayed home with kids […]
13 Things Non-Parents Should Never Say to Parents
As a parent, I realize there are a lot of things we say to non-parents that are bothersome. And I totally get why we should stop. In reflecting on them, I also began to think about things non-parents should never say to parents and was inspired to compile the following […]
A-Hole Kids: Nobody Likes Them. Except A-Hole Parents. They Seem to Like Them Just Fine.
Alister’s got a couple asshole kids in his kindergarten class. I know this not because I’ve had to deal with them personally, but because I’ve cataloged all the stories Alister comes home with about these kids and made the determination myself that they are definitely Future Assholes of America. I […]
To Amy Glass: A Response to the Whole “I Look Down on Women with Husbands and Kids” Thing
Slow clap. Seriously, gurrl. You’ve got balls. I know you’re catching a lot of flack for your I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry post from earlier this month. I’m not surprised. Calling women lazy and weak and average will do that. You […]
How Toddlers Spend Bath Time
In an attempt to prepare future parents for what they can expect when bathing their toddlers, I’ve conducted a very scientific study to determine the percentage of time toddlers spend doing certain activities during bath time. Very scientific. The results are telling as well as critical to understanding early childhood […]
21 Gifts Every Parent REALLY Wants
Recently, Buzzfeed put out a gem titled 21 Gifts Every Thirtysomething REALLY Wants. True, all of it. What I found myself doing after reading it, however, was wishing they had included a few more things on that list — things I hope for on the daily. And then it dawned […]
Conversations With My 3 Year Old: Pooping in the Potty
Him: Mommy, I need you a dange my diapuh. Me: Buddy, we’ve been over this. You really need to poop in the potty. Him: NO! I poop on the couch! mild giggling Me: That’s not funny. I’m serious. You have to poop in the potty now, not in your pants. Him: I poop […]
16 Unconventional Tips for New Parents
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] NOTE: Though this is written specifically to new moms, it is for any new parent or loved one of a new parent. Just imagine these instances as they might apply to your unique situation. So you got yerself knocked up and are about to have/have just […]