There’s this communication functionality in your work email called “Reply All.” You may have heard of it. It can be difficult to decide when using “Reply All” is appropriate. I’m here to help make that decision a bit easier. Here are the number of instances in which using “Reply All” […]
10 Pieces of Pregnancy Advice for First Timers
Hello there, mama to be! Listen. I know you’re brimming with a mixture of fear and excitement at this miraculous life milestone, and why shouldn’t you be? This is huge (and that wasn’t a smart remark about your expanding waistline). I also know you don’t want any unsolicited advice, except […]
Signs Your Partying Prime May Be Behind You
Let’s face it: Most of us can’t party like we used to, whether it’s because we’ve aged, had children, or landed grown up jobs. Curious if you’ve hit that life milestone yet? Check out these signs your partying prime may be behind you to be sure. You’re drunk after 2 […]
Actual Old People Things I’ve Said Recently
I don’t know if it’s because I’m feeling extra run down by this third pregnancy, because 40 is creeping ever-so-close in my near future, or because I’ve completely lost the last shred of cool to my name, but I’ve been saying a lot of really old sounding stuff lately, you […]
34 Signs You Grew Up in the 90s
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how different my teenage experience was compared to what my kids’ will be, and in the process, I’ve come up with a list of things only people who grew up in the 90s will understand. Are you a 90s kid? Browse these 34 […]
Commenting Guidelines Every Online Reader Should Follow
Today marks day 2 of June’s NaBloPoMo, and the writing prompt for today is as follows: Do you have commenting guidelines for your readers? Today is a great time to let them know the commenting policy for your blog (or set some new expectations). Come to think of it, I […]
Please Don’t Mention God and My Child with Special Needs at the Same Time
When I became a parent to a child with special needs, I learned, among other things, that I had been saying the absolute wrongest things to people my entire life. As a self-admitted awkward person, I’m terrible when it comes to extending condolences and comforting people in their times of […]
You’re Not Old Until You Feel Like a Child Predator in PacSun
[nextpage title=”Page 1″ ] I joke about being old. A lot. Thing is, I know I’m not really that old. I mean, I’m old insofar as my high school students might define the term. I’ve got crow’s feet and scowl lines. My skin is a little saggier than it used to be. […]