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Canadian Police Threaten Drunk Drivers With Forcibly Listening to Nickelback

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Drunk driving is a big no-no. I’m not sure there’s anyone on the planet with his or her head screwed on straight who would disagree with this statement. Not only is it extremely dangerous and dickish to do, but it also carries with it severe penalties, including outrageous fines, revocation of one’s driver’s license, and even jail time.

But perhaps no punishment on Earth is quite as bad as the one the Kensington Police Service in Prince Edward Island, Canada has in store for holiday offenders.

According to Variety, in a statement posted to the police service’s Facebook page on November 26, the department warns citizens that in addition to “a hefty fine, a criminal charge, and a years [sic] driving suspension,” the officers who catch drunk drivers will also subject them to a forcible earful of the officers’ copy of Nickelback on the way to the station.

The post has since been removed, perhaps because it violates some sort of fair and humane treatment clause somewhere in the law books, but the message has been received, officers. Loud and clear.

The jury’s still out on why the officers would want to subject themselves to such an atrocity while accompanying criminals downtown (and what’s more, why any of them would even own a copy of a Nickelback in the first place). But I think it’s fair to say that the old stereotype of Canadians — you know, the one about how they’re just so damn polite and accommodating — has definitely been challenged. Because I can’t think of a more twisted punishment than this one.

Let’s pledge one and all — Canadian, American, global citizen — to remain sober behind the wheel this holiday season and the entire year through. I’m fairly sure none of us wants to risk hurting ourselves or anyone else as a result of a few bad decisions.

And certainly no one wants to suffer through such cruel and diabolical torture as the Kensington Police Service has in store.