By MockMom Contributors
Last week, the Texas Board of Education voted to remove historical figures including Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from the mandatory history curriculum in Texas schools. They say this is an attempt by the board to “streamline” what students learn in social studies classes. We have obtained the full list of things Texas is planning to remove from its history curriculum:
The Alamo
The fact that they were ever part of Mexico
All Mexicans
The Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz
The Dixie Chicks
Man buns
Every Amendment except the 2nd
Discovery of the female orgasm
Any mention of the word “clitoris”
Willie Nelson
Climate Change
Alternative Energy
All but one of the Baldwin brothers
That Jesus isn’t white
Who shot J.R.
1980s Houston Astros uniforms
Evolution (Was probably already banned)
Common Core (Already banned…seriously)
That Tony Romo dated Jessica Simpson
The Ghostbusters Remake
The Handmaid’s Tale
Ann Richards
Tofu, silicon, and dyed hair
That one time someone messed with Texas and won
When Hank from King of the Hill turned liberal
Shirtless Matthew McConaughey
That humans did not live at the same time as pterodactyls
Mark Cuban
Birth control
“The gay lifestyle”
Rick Perry (Who can blame them?)
Branch Davidians
Puerto Rico
Special thanks to the following contributors: Kelly Arnell, Melissa Coble, Mandi Em, Anna Gracia, Kathleen Gordon, Jennifer Rosen Heinz, and Andrew Knott