By Bella Gilani of Mama Not Dumber
Feeling a little left out of all the attention the new Kardashian baby is getting while the apple of your eye is ignored by most of the world? Worry not. Your toddler may have more in common with a Kardashian than you think. Here are 7 similarities your bundle of joy has with America’s most famous family:
1. Any attention is good attention. The Kardashians are known for pulling off dramatic stunts for the media’s attention, whether it’s a 72 day marriage, outrageous outfits, or weird health tricks, such as a blood facial. The crazier the antics, the more famous they become. Your toddler also follows this maxim, from screaming so ear-splittingly loudly that you fear your neighbors may call social services and hitting another child just because to painting the walls with strawberry yogurt. All these antics are simply to get your attention. And anyone else’s within a 3-mile radius.
2. They have plenty of tantrums. Toddlers and tantrums are synonymous. We are all too familiar with the screaming fits because their cereal is not in their favorite bowl or the meltdowns because they want to wear shorts and a T-shirt in the middle of winter. But the Kardashian tantrums are close competition. From sibling squabbles over a Bentley to actual physical fights, including threats to stab one another over ski pants. They can make your toddler look like a saint, and that’s saying something!
3. They will own your TV. Whenever the TV is on, your toddler’s choice of programs will be on. E-v-e-r-y G-o-d-d-a-m-n t-i-m-e. You will get sick and tired of Peppa Pig and Mr. Tumbles, but they won’t. As for the Kardashians, their repeat episodes on E! Entertainment is pretty much a sign that they own your TV. And your newspaper. And your social media newsfeed.
4. They’re used to being photographed all the time. Whenever a camera or a smartphone is pulled out, the Kardashians are prepared with their pose. By now your toddler has not only learned to pose for photos taken by others but also to take selfies.
5. You can’t help but talk about them. The Kardashians dominate at least one article of news every couple of days. No matter how hard you try, there will always be some talk of Kim’s pregnancy or North West in a cute outfit or Khloe’s weight loss, and you somehow find yourself contributing to the discussion, even if it is to say, “Who cares?” When your toddler does something amazing or annoying, it’s all over your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s pretty much the topic of conversation for the next day or two. Or twenty.
6. They will burn money. The Kardashians’ famous expenditures include Kim’s $75,000 earrings (lost in Bora Bora, but amazingly found after a major melt down), Kylie’s $125,000 first car (which she crashed 18 days later), lavish parties, and the list goes on. In your toddler’s case, burning money is not limited to the ludicrous amount you spend on diapers, baby wipes, car seats, and even the most basic of toys, but literally, too, if they were allowed near fire. And in your toddler’s case, they will also rip or eat the money.
7. Despite all the above, they’re cute and attractive people. The Kardashians are undeniably a cute family and attractive people. That’s probably why the world is intrigued by their antics and they continue to have a presence on our screens. Words cannot describe your toddler’s beauty and cuteness, and that makes up for so much.
If anyone else acted like this, there is no way you would tolerate it, but your toddler can act like a TV star anytime because they are the real star in your life.
This post was originally published on Mama Not Dumber.
About Bella Gilani
Bella is a mother to two beautiful, energetic and rowdy boys. She has very recently returned to work after two and a half years on maternity leave from her job as a lawyer. Her proudest achievement to date is surviving motherhood of 2 under 2, which she believes has prepared her for anything! Her writing has also appeared in the Huffington Post UK. A newish blogger, she can be followed on her Facebook page, her website Mama Not Dumber and on Twitter, where you will find posts on her slightly odd but honest take on life as a mother.