
5 Easy Ways to Spot a Truth Speaker

5 Easy Ways to Spot a Truth Speaker

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Are you a truth speaker?  Not just a blunt, unfiltered terror. I mean a person who stands up for what they believe in and calls bullshit on bullshit.

Well, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you perceive a truth speaker), I am.  I CAN’T STAND people who think they are getting away with their lies and deceptions, or worse, that I’m buying into them.  I mean, it’s truly offensive.  It just becomes nails on a chalkboard until I speak up.

Well, if you’re a truth speaker, then let’s be friends, because honestly, there aren’t enough of us in this world, so we must stick together for the greater good.  Here are 5 easy ways to spot a truth speaker…

You might find our eyes rolling to the back of our heads when you speak.

Yes, if you catch me trying to look at my brain every time you talk to me, then you can rest assured that I think you are full of shit.  And rolling my eyes is the only way I’m able to get through our conversation without interrupting you every 2 seconds to call you on your bullshit.  It’s a release, if you will — a form of therapy.

We ask if we can be honest with you. A LOT.

This is what we see as a “kind” approach to receiving permission to call you on your bullshit.  That way if you have a problem with the truth we are speaking, we tell you, “Well, I asked you if I could be honest!”   That’s obviously just a way to get the word-vomit out without feeling too guilty.  But it’s honest, and that’s what really matters.

We cut our conversations with you short.

No one wants to listen to you ramble off lies, so let’s just keep it moving.  Next!

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We distance ourselves from you.

To hear your whiny distortions and fabrications once in a while is manageable.  Not enjoyable, but manageable.  But certainly not all the time; therefore, if you see us distancing ourselves from you in daily interaction, or even on the rare occasions we meet, it’s because we just can’t stand you.  We are happy to tell you why if you want to ask, but I’ve always been told not to give my opinion to someone regarding his or her character unless it’s asked for.  I’m really just being polite.

We may SNAP!

I hate getting to this point, but a person can only take so much.  If someone isn’t “getting it,” then sometimes we have no choice, and it must be spelled out: “I can’t take your BULLSHIT so get out of my face and don’t talk to me!” It may seem abrupt, but it’s obviously necessary.

Truth speakers don’t see things the way others do.  We don’t see a reason to lie or withhold information.  We are of the nature and mind set that honesty, although difficult at times, is best.  A lie may benefit you for the short-term, but truth speakers are always thinking about the long-term.  And with honesty comes happiness.  And I hate to say it; well, no I don’t.

If you’re not on the truth and happiness train, then you sure as hell aren’t riding with us.
